The Bad Shoot
July 23rd,I talk a lot about limits: please-do’s and do’s, but mostly the don’t-do’s. On a good shoot, I like most of the activities and none exceed my limits. On a mediocre shoot, I’m bored, but at least I can perform well.
I’d never had a bad shoot before.
Much of this responsibility as a model is mine. I need to select the shoot accordingly and to articulate my limits once there. But much of it is also theirs. A good top understands that not all the models are kinky, and not all kinky models are into all kinks. He or she is considerate, concerned, and proactive.
I am often told I take too much of the responsibility upon myself. Harrumph.
On my first bad shoot, I learned the difference between “Your limits are absolute and you can always use your safeword”, and “I’ll use my best judgement as to what’s good for you, and I suppose you can use your safeword. If you must. Although you’re neurotic and overreacting if you ever think you need to.”
To their credit they always came running, but … lord!
I am not a submissive and I am not seeking a submissive experience on my shoot. I seek professional encounters free of manipulation. Of course I can do X or Z — there are few things I think I could not do, and I do not count branding or sewing my pussy shut in that category — but if I don’t want to, that has to be okay. No one gets an all-access pass to my body.
In the end, the top didn’t cross my stated limit. Why did I stress out so much? Why was I so messed up about having encountered the possibility? Why did I break down and cry for hours? What was my stupid feminist consent problem?
And all for something harmless, but that I didn’t want it. I felt like a pouty child.
I kept telling myself, reasonably or not, that the bad experience was my own failure to keep my shit together. If only I were more trusting, more flexible, a better model, more … submissive. After all, no physical harm was going to come to me. I am never (well, rarely) worried about harm. I am worried about — about — I don’t even know. Hurt? Violation? Intangibles?
Shh. Shut up. I know better. You’ll like it. I can’t tell you why, but these words are antithetical to everything I am. They make my teeth grind and every hair on my body stand on end.
It bothers you because you let it, the Lawyer used to say when I’d argue issues of principle. Why do you let it? Who are you doing this for? And I see his point, although he certainly never meant it to apply to this. I’ve no interest in martyrdom. But I cannot let people define me because it’s easy or comfortable — not in terms of principles, and not in terms of my sexual tastes or range. I have to hold on to something. Don’t I?
I was pretty fucked up by the time I got back to New York.
The Lawyer gave me his copy of a slightly mawkish self-help book called “Controlling People“. I think it had been gifted to him as a hint. I read “Controlling People” cover to cover while we chatted and he massaged my feet with baby oil. This sort of behavior from him melts me, makes me feel bad for my ambivalence about dating a dominant man in the first place.
“Do you want to have sex?” he asked me later.
I looked at him.
“First time I’ve asked you.” (Your agency, let me loan you it.)
I considered. Getting off would feel good, but I was still too broken upset for the process. “I don’t know if I want to be touched,” I told him.
“I can always jerk off.”
I perked up. “Ooh, can I watch?”
He looked just surprised enough at the request to turn me on, and then suddenly I was interested after all. We piled into the bedroom. An episode of mutual masturbation ensued, and then fucking (of course), and then he was jerking off with his fingers in my ass. Or maybe it was the other way around. I lost track.
When I went to the shower to clean myself off, I found that my cunt was so wet it formed viscous strings, clinging to my fingers. I don’t always enjoy the anal sex we have while we’re having it — but I get wetter for it than anything else. And as much as I believe I hate something, my body acts otherwise.
Yeah, I don’t know who to trust.
Before you comment: This post is about a single problem, not the whole of my experiences with these folks. Let’s all be grown-ups. Any names will be deleted.
As always, if you are a model who needs a reference or is considering working with someone I’ve worked with, please email me. It’s misscalico (at) gmail (dot) com. If I am reluctant to throw dirt here, please know I am happy in equal measure to discuss it with you, honestly and privately. I want everyone to be safe and informed, and we know how I love to give (un)solicited advice!
July 24th, at 11:22 am
Maybe sometimes we need to come up against our limits to see why they are so important to us. Feeling that they are not respected is horrible, but at least it emphasizes that there is a reason for having them.
July 26th, at 5:44 am
It is frustrating to think that being a professional and a feminist have such disparate behavioral expectations. What is even harder is that as women, we truly internalize them. Personally, I thank you for standing up for yourself. Life is too short to let yourself take on guilt for someone else’s expectations.
July 26th, at 11:12 pm
Hi, new to the site but intrigued.
If the top really “knew better” about you, then they would have known not to say something like that to you.
Confidence, along with the immediate confirmation that it is misplaced, is a worrisome thing to encounter under any circumstances.
July 27th, at 9:58 pm
I’m curious to hear if you have decided to recommend them or not.
From what you’ve said & written, sounds to me like you were treated like a ’submissive’ as opposed to being treated like a professional. As some one who is (occassionally) sexually submissive, and is a professional performer, that would piss me off too.
Perhaps (only perhaps) you over reacted because it was so unexpected? Personally, I don’t think you over reacted. I think you were damned easy on them.
But hey.. I think you kinda rock so…

July 30th, at 1:25 pm
I agree with Nix; being submissive in a private situation is very different from being submissive in a professional shoot. I’m guessing the top kind of crossed the professional barrier.
Also, always lovely to find another woman who likes watching a man get off. There aren’t a lot around.