L’Oeil Cache

August 5th,

After all the silence here, the curtain is up! I am delighted to announce that starting this week, I will be taking sessions at Mistress Avalon’s L’Oeil Cache.

In other exciting news: I’m a year older, my arnica experiment is in full swing, and I am considering whether I should sew another dress (or rather, how many) for Fetishcon.

8 Responses to “L’Oeil Cache”

  1. 1 SW
    August 5th, at 8:48 pm

    Congrats on the new position!

  2. 2 axe
    August 5th, at 10:46 pm

    Happy belated birthday and congrats on your new gig!

  3. 3 Mark
    August 6th, at 3:55 am

    L’Oeil Cache is a very nice studio, I’m sure you’ll do great there and I hope you enjoy it.

  4. 4 Jen
    August 6th, at 7:20 am

    I love your pictures on the L’Oeil Cache site, especially the bikini one in which you look all sweet and fresh like a Land’s End ad. ;-)

  5. 5 Lucie
    August 6th, at 10:26 pm

    ah, happy birthday! and I hope your bruise treatment is going better than mine . . .

  6. 6 Bad Man
    August 8th, at 8:18 am

    Happy belated birthday, fellow Leo.

  7. 7 Nick
    August 8th, at 10:40 pm


  8. 8 Nix
    August 11th, at 10:20 pm

    Happy birthday, cant wait for the con and break a leg with the new gig!!!

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