Archive for the 'self-harm' Category

Positive Pain: When BDSM is “Nonsexual”

August 22nd,

In our last discussion we defined self-harm (negative pain) and masochism (sexual, aka positive, pain) but we had no way to talk about positive non-sexual pain. I think there is such a thing, but it’s very vague to me: something about energy pulls or long-distance running, rituals and ordeals.
Both Subversive Sub and Anon left […]

Masochism vs. Self Injury

August 8th,

I had an excellent reader question: if or how masochism and self-injury are related. These two are often compared, and often to my annoyance. We all know Maggie Gyllenhaal’s character in “Secretary”, a self-injurer who cuts her thighs until she finds BDSM and James Spader.
“It’s like whiskey and bourbon,” my sister said when […]