Archive for the 'secrets' Category

They Don’t Know

December 25th, 2007

I’m home for the holidays. No, my parents don’t know what I do.
It’s easier than you’d think: in short, we don’t talk much.
With the college semester over, I’ve been on a vintage-dress kick lately. I spent the night before I left for Boston taking apart a 1950’s day dress and altering it to […]


June 13th, 2007

You read it right: Coworkers I’d Like to Fuck.
God I hope they never read this.
I have the best coworkers in the world. I appreciate them doubly because it’s so rare, in sex work, to have coworkers in an environment that encourages comraderie and not competition. It’s impossible not to enjoy them, these confident, intelligent, self-actualized […]

Guests and houseguests

May 12th, 2007

Today, I’m too sleepy to write thoughtful material. I’m halfway through a weekend with the most terrifying of companions: my mother.
But first, here are the unexpected places my baby blog has been this week:
Maymay, of Maybe Maimed But Never Harmed, wrote flattering things about me. Thanks, May!
Viviane, of Viviane’s Sex Carnival, also graciously […]

The first conversation

April 21st, 2007

It wouldn’t happen if I didn’t talk so much, that first conversation.
Life would be easier if I didn’t talk so much. Living with myself is easy: I am a loyal and patriotic subscriber to the laws, bylaws, and regulations of Calico. Other people? Not so much.
But sometimes I feel that not talking […]

In the beginning

March 26th, 2007

I wrote this post for a previous attempt at a blog. Some time has elapsed, including a move, several jobs, and quite a lot of life. Currently I work at a dungeon, and don’t do much modeling, but the general sentiment about sex work remains applicable.
Most of my friends know that I pose […]