Archive for the 'coworkers' Category


May 4th,

I had hoped to make it to the MaxFisch meetup at Paddles last night, but at the last minute veered off to a post-HC reunion of sorts. God, it was good to see those girls! I drank too much, smoked too many cigarettes, and had to take four trains to get home at […]

What To Do Now

April 30th,

Miss Victoria X, who I have not yet had the pleasure of meeting, posted a pretty comprehensive rundown of relevant case law. There’s also some vigorous case law research happening in the comments to my last post.
Playing armchair lawyer is all well and good, but in my understanding, it’s a moot point. The […]

Shaking the Cages

April 26th,

Police raided the Hidden Chamber on Thursday night and arrested all six women there on charges of prostitution. Everyone is out of jail and safe.
I was not there. In fact, I showed up all unwitting the next morning to find the place empty and things strewn about, one lonely pair of red shoes […]

It Doesn’t Pay To Be The Wife

April 5th,

Girl: My last guy proposed marriage but didn’t tip.  Didn’t he have a good time?
Me: Makes sense to me. You pay your whore; you don’t tip your wife.

Question and Answer

January 8th,

or, Why Kink Should Have Me On Salary.
Mona left a comment on a previous post of mine, The Internet Is For (Sharing) Porn. My reply got lengthy, so rather than reply in comments, I wanted to post it here.
Mona writes:
The stuff on disturbs me to no end. I understand that sex […]

Pink Negligee

November 18th, 2007

-Ooh, you are so cute!
-Thanks!  I found it in the laundry on Thursday, when I locked myself out of my locker.  Is this a crossdressing outfit?  It’s just tacky enough to be from crossdressing, but then it shouldn’t have fit me.
-Oh, I bought that!
-Do you want it back?
-No, it doesn’t fit me.   I donated it […]

(Halloween) Night In The Business

October 29th, 2007

8:45pm: First appointment fails to show.
9:45pm: Second appointment fails to show.
10:30pm: A client for the house arrives. He professes a powerful, if circumspect, desire to lick my asshole. I decline.
11pm: Another client for the house arrives. I have had it. I punt. I have false eyelashes to deal with.
11:30pm: Most […]

Leftovers, Anyone?

September 9th, 2007

Phone girl: Whose pussy juice is this?  It’s on the table.
Me, alarmed: Um…
Phone girl: Seriously, whose? (waving styrofoam container) Lunch? Dinner? Snack?
Second girl: Eww. What is that?
Phone girl: Pussy juice!  That’s what the container says.
We all crowd around.  “Pussy juice!” is scrawled on it in indelible marker.
Me: Did you open it?
Phone girl: No.  Do you […]


June 13th, 2007

You read it right: Coworkers I’d Like to Fuck.
God I hope they never read this.
I have the best coworkers in the world. I appreciate them doubly because it’s so rare, in sex work, to have coworkers in an environment that encourages comraderie and not competition. It’s impossible not to enjoy them, these confident, intelligent, self-actualized […]


June 12th, 2007

Just looked at my previous few entries and man, do I need to relax!
I think it may be my public positivity that makes this blog so negative. Every day I have to say, “I love this! It’s such fun!” Which is true and all, but not universally: sometimes I have down days, […]