Archive for the 'sex work' Category

August 20th,

When I told some friends I was shooting for a site called Perfect Slave, they started laughing. Yeah, yeah.

They did manage to make my ass look pretty good, over my vociferous sartorial protests:

And for good measure, I picked this photo because you can tell that I’m laughing.

Porn performers don’t get residuals so […]

L’Oeil Cache

August 5th,

After all the silence here, the curtain is up! I am delighted to announce that starting this week, I will be taking sessions at Mistress Avalon’s L’Oeil Cache.
In other exciting news: I’m a year older, my arnica experiment is in full swing, and I am considering whether I should sew another dress (or rather, […]

Too Much and Never Enough

July 27th,

A couple months ago I recorded a guest spot on a friend’s Human Sexuality lecture.
She brought up an interesting point: It is just as taboo to talk about money as it is about sex. (Which is why I think it’s great fun to bring money into your sex — but that’s another story.)
Whatever I […]

The Bad Shoot

July 23rd,

I talk a lot about limits: please-do’s and do’s, but mostly the don’t-do’s. On a good shoot, I like most of the activities and none exceed my limits. On a mediocre shoot, I’m bored, but at least I can perform well.
I’d never had a bad shoot before.
Much of this responsibility as a model is […]

Sex Worker Pride

June 27th,

A few unrelated things before I run off to the DSF class on hypnosis at Paddles:
1) On Sunday I’ll be marching in the Pride parade with the Sex Worker Pride contingent.
If you’d like to march with us, and I can vouch for you, please drop me a note at misscalico (at) gmail (dot) com ASAP […]

Switching Outside Binaries @ TES

May 20th,

Oh God, I seem to have committed myself to talk at TES tomorrow night.  I’m spotting for a cancelled presenter.
It’s their Switchable group, so I’m talking about switching beyond binaries: submissive sadists, dominant bottoms, that sort of thing.  I’ll also be talking about hot and unconventional scenes you can play out, and the challenges of […]

Still With the Issues

May 14th,

I almost resolved for New Year’s to sort out my sexual issues, but I’d have nothing to blog about.
Confession time (not that this isn’t always confessional time): what am I preoccupied with these days? The three-month’s-old scars on my thighs. I’m supposed to be talking about the lighthearted tribulations of sex work and […]

If It Sucked, They Wouldn’t Do It

May 5th,

Back posts continued…
One of my coworkers told a story about her fiancee. All her boyfriends, she said, started skeptical about dominant women, but ended up playing with her sooner or later. And as soon as they tried it, they enjoyed it. “If it sucked, they wouldn’t do it!” she concluded, hands […]


May 4th,

I had hoped to make it to the MaxFisch meetup at Paddles last night, but at the last minute veered off to a post-HC reunion of sorts. God, it was good to see those girls! I drank too much, smoked too many cigarettes, and had to take four trains to get home at […]

What To Do Now

April 30th,

Miss Victoria X, who I have not yet had the pleasure of meeting, posted a pretty comprehensive rundown of relevant case law. There’s also some vigorous case law research happening in the comments to my last post.
Playing armchair lawyer is all well and good, but in my understanding, it’s a moot point. The […]

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