April 10th,
Enough of this angelic bullshit!
Submissive clients: What’s with the eating pussy?
Look, I like a side of rough sex with my domination as much as the next girl, but in commercial-land that’s straight up illegal. I’m not trying to perpetuate an unhealthy paradigm where dominant women are too good to be touched and they never […]
Posted in pro domination, submission (or the lack thereof), sex work, whores, prostitution, (il)legalities, STDs, oral sex | 9 Comments »
April 9th,
Twice today I took off my clothes: once at the dungeon, and once in a painting studio.
Near the end of the evening’s painting class, I strolled the room in my robe and looked from easel to easel. My favorites are the short gesture studies — they capture movement. I love seeing my poses […]
Posted in feminism, sex work, whores, activism, shame, rape, stereotypes | 8 Comments »
March 25th,
At dinner on Saturday, a friend asked me if I would pay for sex. I said, Yes, of course! I’m amazed, and dismayed, that I never have.
We posited that intrinsic difficulty prevented me. The research, the selection, the call, the appointment, the wait, the interview, the paying, the shuffling between rooms, more waiting, […]
Posted in switching, nerves, young and confused, the double standard, feminism, pro domination, submission (or the lack thereof), masochism, pain, sex work, explanation, whores, fantasy facilitation, prostitution, (il)legalities, service topping, money, shame, bisexuality, sexual assault, rape, political correctness, hypocrisy | 14 Comments »
February 3rd,
My drunken sarcasm translates badly on the Internet. Still, my first two commenters got it wrong. Can we give the stereotypes a rest? I’m a whore, which doesn’t tell you anything about my character. I guess I’m friendly, but that doesn’t make me a whore. And all sorts of people use […]
Posted in sex work, whores, activism, college, stereotypes | 5 Comments »
January 30th,
So much drunk! I wonder if I will regret coming out to my college acquaintances tomorrow.
I did it sober (which is to say, before the drinking ensued, but after I developed a crush on the boy). We’ll see. I suspect that sleeping with arrogant, entitled rich boys would be disastrous — but […]
Posted in whores, college | 13 Comments »
May 24th, 2007
Here’s to prodommes, and their lack of Real And True Dominance.
Maymay got me thinking when I revisited this post of his. You’ve all heard it before: dommes are the real submissives because they do it for money. Dommes are just service tops. Dommes are just whores (well, yes, thanks, I am). […]
Posted in Uncategorized, switching, porn, young and confused, kink dot com, pro domination, submission (or the lack thereof), masochism, sex work, whores, fantasy facilitation, service topping, shameless self-promotion | 4 Comments »
May 8th, 2007
Today I want to link to Annie Sprinkle’s The 40 Reasons Why Whores Are My Heroes.
How is this relevant to anything I do? you might ask. You’re not a whore — you’re a dominatrix. You whip people and make them say thank you while they kiss your boots. You are never required […]
Posted in links, modeling, feminism, pro domination, sex work, explanation, whores, foot fetish, fantasy facilitation, prostitution, the scene, (il)legalities, financial slavery, service topping | 4 Comments »