Archive for the 'submission (or the lack thereof)' Category

August 20th,

When I told some friends I was shooting for a site called Perfect Slave, they started laughing. Yeah, yeah.

They did manage to make my ass look pretty good, over my vociferous sartorial protests:

And for good measure, I picked this photo because you can tell that I’m laughing.

Porn performers don’t get residuals so […]

The Bad Shoot

July 23rd,

I talk a lot about limits: please-do’s and do’s, but mostly the don’t-do’s. On a good shoot, I like most of the activities and none exceed my limits. On a mediocre shoot, I’m bored, but at least I can perform well.
I’d never had a bad shoot before.
Much of this responsibility as a model is […]

The Luckiest Girl in the World

May 29th,

The Lawyer’s queen-size bed is just big enough for a classic spread-eagle. He uses ties, men’s ties, with the tie knots and all. Windsors, I think. One time he had an aluminum rod to my thighs, and I broke the one on my right ankle. I wasn’t crying then, but I remember […]

Still With the Issues

May 14th,

I almost resolved for New Year’s to sort out my sexual issues, but I’d have nothing to blog about.
Confession time (not that this isn’t always confessional time): what am I preoccupied with these days? The three-month’s-old scars on my thighs. I’m supposed to be talking about the lighthearted tribulations of sex work and […]

If It Sucked, They Wouldn’t Do It

May 5th,

Back posts continued…
One of my coworkers told a story about her fiancee. All her boyfriends, she said, started skeptical about dominant women, but ended up playing with her sooner or later. And as soon as they tried it, they enjoyed it. “If it sucked, they wouldn’t do it!” she concluded, hands […]


April 23rd,

It all started because I couldn’t wait for him to get off the computer. My attempts to distract him from a standing position weren’t working, so I slid down between his legs and knelt there, nibbling playfully at his cock through the jeans. He made a low growl in his throat and leaned down […]


April 12th,

Oft-asked annoying questions: Why do dominant women date dominant men? Why might dominant women prefer the challenge of forcing non-submissive men to submit? I’m sure Axe, our favorite New York City submissive looking for love, has posted a few times on these topics.
I sigh a bit at both questions. My New Years […]

Pussy: (Only Metaphorically) For Sale

April 10th,

Enough of this angelic bullshit!
Submissive clients: What’s with the eating pussy?
Look, I like a side of rough sex with my domination as much as the next girl, but in commercial-land that’s straight up illegal. I’m not trying to perpetuate an unhealthy paradigm where dominant women are too good to be touched and they never […]

Why Not Pay?

March 25th,

At dinner on Saturday, a friend asked me if I would pay for sex. I said, Yes, of course! I’m amazed, and dismayed, that I never have.
We posited that intrinsic difficulty prevented me. The research, the selection, the call, the appointment, the wait, the interview, the paying, the shuffling between rooms, more waiting, […]

They Never Believe Me

March 1st,

You have bruises on your thighs.
Oh — it’s nothing.
Did you get those here? By “here”, he means the Midtown dungeon where he has hired me to play submissive.
Oh, no.
Then who?
One of my boyfriends. It’s the easiest word.
He beat you?
And you liked it?
Very much.
Did he fuck you afterward?
He did.
Does he fuck you in the […]

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