Archive for May, 2007

Vacation from Paradise

May 30th, 2007

When I think about June I can’t decide whether to be ecstatic or stressed.
Every month I work about 20 shifts at the Hidden Chamber, or an average of five per week. This seems to hold true no matter how much I travel.
This month I’ll also take four out-of-state trips — and leaving the state […]

Too deep for words

May 28th, 2007

Enough! I’ve had it! Too much deep thought. This week I am going to read about chess and engineering and NOT, for the love of God, anything about feminism or sex work.
Last week I made it all the way through Naomi Wolf’s The Beauty Myth — the most approachable-looking book from my latest batch […]

Are Prodommes Really Dominant?

May 24th, 2007

Here’s to prodommes, and their lack of Real And True Dominance.
Maymay got me thinking when I revisited this post of his. You’ve all heard it before: dommes are the real submissives because they do it for money. Dommes are just service tops. Dommes are just whores (well, yes, thanks, I am). […]


May 22nd, 2007

To the dungeon today, one girl brought the four three-week-old kittens she’s fostering. You haven’t lived until you’ve seen pro-dommes in full regalia bottlefeeding kittens.
One, all black, had six toes. All were so small they fit in the palm of my hand.
See how heartrendingly adorable?

Both shiny and new

May 20th, 2007

I have a love-hate relationship with needles. I always ask to watch people play with them, and then I get queasy and can’t stick around. My porn (that I use, not that I make!) sometimes looks like, but I have only recently been able to give blood with equanimity. Not that […]

One man’s trash…

May 17th, 2007

The first of my books are beginning to arrive! I started with one called Sex Work: Writings By Women In The Sex Industry.”
I read it first (even though I had pledged to read something about feminism, not sex work, for once), and in a hurry, between clients at work. After all, one of […]

Bad body! No vibrator.

May 15th, 2007

Squirting was not a happy discovery for me.
Even the name sucks. “Female ejaculation” is no better: it’s clinical and derivative (we don’t say male ejaculation, do we?). Whoever named it didn’t have a poetic bone in their body.
I can remember exactly when it happened, too. I was 20, and I had just dyed […]

Guests and houseguests

May 12th, 2007

Today, I’m too sleepy to write thoughtful material. I’m halfway through a weekend with the most terrifying of companions: my mother.
But first, here are the unexpected places my baby blog has been this week:
Maymay, of Maybe Maimed But Never Harmed, wrote flattering things about me. Thanks, May!
Viviane, of Viviane’s Sex Carnival, also graciously […]

Crossover in sex work

May 8th, 2007

Today I want to link to Annie Sprinkle’s The 40 Reasons Why Whores Are My Heroes.
How is this relevant to anything I do? you might ask. You’re not a whore — you’re a dominatrix. You whip people and make them say thank you while they kiss your boots. You are never required […]

Bitchy Jones’s Diary

May 7th, 2007

Blog pick of the day: Bitchy Jones’s Diary. She is a dominant woman — avocational — who likes submissive men. She isn’t terribly kind to my ilk, but it’s refreshing.
I just found her blog and read the first three entries (starting with Here Kitty, Kitty) and it is all so brilliant and spot-on […]

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