Archive for May, 2007


May 3rd, 2007

Oh, the danger of webcams. Before I get into the shower today, I snapped a couple pictures of the bruises from California.
No one’s ever left bruises on me from modeling — not even “modeling”. I was thrilled! I love bruises. I get hot over ‘em. Thanks, guys.

Playdate nerves

May 2nd, 2007

Here the euphemistic lexicon is at its worst. Tomorrow I expect to have coffee and then get the crap beaten out of me. This, I can only call a playdate. I vacillate between finding the term annoyingly twee, and delighting in the irony of it.
Rob is one of the few people I […]

Forever 21

May 1st, 2007

The apartment where I’m staying has two banks of windows overlooking the plaza. In the morning the sunlight streams in with a glorious vengeance. Bolstered by the three-hour time difference, my memories of California all include these solitary, sun-streaked mornings idling away the time before shoots.
The building’s elevator began listing its floors at […]

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