Archive for September, 2007

Day Two

September 27th, 2007

Very early yesterday morning, I flew Virgin America to San Francisco. There were no free snacks, unlike JetBlue, but the flight attendant slipped me the diminutive parfait from his meal. Whyever did he do that? I chalked it off to waking up as Calico. Calico probably seduces flight attendants in her […]

On (Not) Being A Selfish Bitch

September 24th, 2007

Two posts, from two of my favorite bloggers, line up nicely with mine today: Eileen’s on being a wish-granting top, and Bitchy Jones’ on why pro-doms should die attitudes on sex and domination are screwy.
See, a friend asked me to participate in a specific fantasy.
I felt privileged that he would confide. I’m trustworthy and capable: […]

Grr. Argh.

September 22nd, 2007

Boyfriend: What are you writing?
Me: Something angry and self-indulgent.
Boy: Why?
Me: Because that’s what I do.  [Sigh.] I feel bad, you know.  I didn’t start blogging to rant and rave or reform anything. I wanted to share charming anecdotes from the sexual underground. I had no idea that I had so much anger.  Where do I […]

Westward Bound

September 18th, 2007

I’m back in San Francisco, 9/26-10/1! Between my four shoots I will be there for Folsom Fringe and the Folsom Street Fair. Really, I couldn’t have planned it better if I’d tried.
Who and what should I look up? I know I have readers in California (I can see your IPs — ‘fess up!) […]

Stupid Cunt

September 16th, 2007

Forgive my crudity, please, but this post was no good without the title.
The other night, I curled up in bed for some quality hands-on time. All I wanted was an orgasm, possibly followed by a nap. Instead, I got a huge wet spot.
I was annoyed (I just moved in! It’s too soon to […]

Coming On Command

September 15th, 2007

As I like to do before I tackle a topic, especially one that’s going to piss people off, I searched to see whether someone had saved me the trouble. And in fact, Andrea Nemerson came very close.
Her take: if you think it’s an orgasm, and you’re both happy, good for you and who are […]

Leftovers, Anyone?

September 9th, 2007

Phone girl: Whose pussy juice is this?  It’s on the table.
Me, alarmed: Um…
Phone girl: Seriously, whose? (waving styrofoam container) Lunch? Dinner? Snack?
Second girl: Eww. What is that?
Phone girl: Pussy juice!  That’s what the container says.
We all crowd around.  “Pussy juice!” is scrawled on it in indelible marker.
Me: Did you open it?
Phone girl: No.  Do you […]

Back to School

September 4th, 2007

As if I weren’t a cliche before (young, thin, white upper-middle-class girl tries sex work) I am officially a college co-ed.
Let the Google hits roll in, baby.  If only they made me money; I just spent $150 on a textbook.  And that’s peanuts to tuition.  I forsee many long nights at the dungeon, writing my […]

The Fellatio That Dare Not Speak Its Name

September 2nd, 2007

“He tipped you,” she told me.
That’s not a tip; it’s a bribe. “He wants a handjob,” I said as I stuffed rope in my bag.
“Whatever do you mean?”
“Every time a man has tipped me before the session started, it’s been with the expectation of special treatment.”
“Nooo. Really?” She thinks I’m a horrible […]

Save the Singletails

September 2nd, 2007

My signal whip is still missing, and I am getting nervous. It’s my favorite toy, the only one that makes me feel like an official, card-carrying dominatrix. Granted, I’ll never use it at work — very few masochistic clients — but it’s nice to be prepared. (Yes, I was a Girl […]