Archive for October, 2007


October 29th, 2007

My lack of proper image for this post makes me cry inside.  It’s been weeks, and I am no rubber fetishist, and I am still thinking about those pants on him.
I like to entertain myself with sexual remembrances fantasies in times of boredom. When art modeling, for example, or when on half-empty and freezing […]

(Halloween) Night In The Business

October 29th, 2007

8:45pm: First appointment fails to show.
9:45pm: Second appointment fails to show.
10:30pm: A client for the house arrives. He professes a powerful, if circumspect, desire to lick my asshole. I decline.
11pm: Another client for the house arrives. I have had it. I punt. I have false eyelashes to deal with.
11:30pm: Most […]


October 27th, 2007

I fear I have made an embarrassing clerical error! Godaddy counts “requests”. Apparently what I know colloquially as “hits” should be more properly termed “unique visitors”: which means I’m getting about 10,000, not 85,000. Still mind-boggling but much less confusing.
Thanks to Maymay and Google Analytics for bringing this to my attention. […]

A Quick Picture

October 26th, 2007

Here’s a picture from me last weekend in Boston.

Tying myself up. Courtesy
While there is much about self-bondage on the Internets, I thought to read none of it. Clearly if one can tie up other people, tying oneself up must be easy! Ha. Ahahaha. No.
On an unrelated note, I have […]

Not One Soul

October 25th, 2007

When I started this blog in March I told no one about it.
I wanted it to be available to women like me. Sex work was shrouded in mystery, and I couldn’t find information anywhere. What did these porn models really think? All I had were their glossy bios to go on. I […]

New Jeans

October 17th, 2007

A client got me an Express gift card today. (Thanks, doll!)
“Does this mean I’m a real dominatrix now?” I quipped to the girls.
I have received significant tips before (indeed, I did today — and thank you, too). But the gift? That was new! Stockings and panties are nice, but they’re a little like […]


October 16th, 2007

I’ve put off the Folsom Street Fair post for far too long!
I arrived early with a crew from San Jose, by way of a ritzy leather-titleholder brunch at drag queen Donna Saschet’s.

The food was fantastic and the eye candy better, but I knew no one. I felt acutely that I had two ovaries too […]

Not Ready To Tell My Number

October 11th, 2007

College Callgirl wrote a post on sexual assault that just choked me right up.
Unlike College Callgirl, I do not have a childhood history of abuse. But I have been told that I could not be raped. And that is bullshit.
I even got a comment to that effect. (See, your comments matter!) […]

Calendar: Black Rose

October 10th, 2007

In December, I’m going to Black Rose XX with Eileen, Maymay, and some boy without a blog name. :)  Make your plans now!
It is an event in Washington, D.C. roughly analogous to TESfest, The Floating World, Boston’s winter Fetish Fair Fleamarket, and other such BDSM conventions.

Kittens, Episode II

October 5th, 2007

I suppose it was inevitable that I would sink to posting grainy webcam photos of my pussy…
…both of them.

Today’s foster kittens are fat and sassy! They are currently back in their carrier, since they are covered in milk, the little slobs.

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