Archive for December, 2007

Upcoming: Providence FFF

December 31st, 2007

NELA’s Fetish Fair Fleamarket is January 11-13th, in Providence, RI.
Since I used to live in Boston, I try to make it back up for the Fetish Fair Fleamarket. It’s a pleasant weekend if you live in the area. Someday they will have public play instead of just vending and classes, and then I’ll […]

They Don’t Know

December 25th, 2007

I’m home for the holidays. No, my parents don’t know what I do.
It’s easier than you’d think: in short, we don’t talk much.
With the college semester over, I’ve been on a vintage-dress kick lately. I spent the night before I left for Boston taking apart a 1950’s day dress and altering it to […]

End Violence Against Sex Workers

December 18th, 2007

Yesterday was the International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers.
Trixie tears it up on her blog (emphasis hers):
Violence against sex workers boils down to two things: a woman who demands money for sex is a woman who is saying NO to sex without money. For all of our fancy talk and progress, our society […]


December 18th, 2007

God, I want to get fucked.
I’ve wanted to get fucked all day. The littlest bits of skin are a tease. I am ravenous, tormented by the smell of food: the new-leather smell of some suit’s glove crossing my face on the subway, cheap perfume on the blonde in class. The winter air […]


December 13th, 2007

The Artist’s tied arms are around my neck as I ride. I’ve put my glasses back on so I can see him, but they keep slipping down my nose.
I hate to encourage the myth that men need to fuck for hours. (It’s a peeve of mine, second only to the notion that women […]


December 12th, 2007

Ooh, it has been an interesting workweek as insults go. I thought my skin was thicker.
You cannot upset me by calling me a whore. You can make me curl a lip by calling me “self-conscious” or “repressed”. (For retaining my panties and for wearing latex gloves, respectively.) But most of all […]

Not So Fast

December 11th, 2007

In cleaning my room today I found all my old event badges. With dates on them. It has been not quite two years since I first saw other people playing or having sex.
Sometimes it’s nice to cut myself some slack on having everything figured out right now.
Last night friends and I went through […]

Needed: Tentacles, Slime

December 5th, 2007

Email, June 25th
No sex, tentacle sex, oral sex, tentacle sex, wanking, or
tentacle sex. I don’t care how proud you are of your ’special love
Me: Do you really mean there’s no sex?
Rob: It’s my party. I don’t want to clean slime off the walls.
Email, July 26th
No sex, oral sex, wanking, or tentacle sex. […]

Black Rose Review

December 4th, 2007

I haven’t been able to stop talking about one of CM Hurt’s presentations. I only knew it was entitled Nurse Nasty, so assumed it was medical somehow. But I did remember seeing her name years ago on BMEzine (what better recommendation?) so I dropped in.
Holy. Shit.
I’ve been having trouble explaining what about it […]