Archive for the 'humiliation' Category


May 31st,

I like crossdressers, I do. This is actually not the pro-domme trope you’d expect. In certain alt-sex circles, it’s quite trendy of me.
I dislike bad crossdressers.
What do I mean by a bad crossdresser? I mean those who do it negatively (”forced” crossdressing, punishment, humiliation) or in a careless and inattentive fashion. […]

Thank You

January 14th,

I really wanted to write an anecdote in screenplay format. Tact prevents me from writing it at all. However, dear reader, if you have an encounter with multiple men, I encourage you to write about it in screenplay format, that you may write MAN in capital letters as many times as possible. […]

Wired Pussy Live Audience

November 3rd, 2007

Ooh, looky what I found! This is a trailer for’s first live audience show. It happened on the Friday I was in town, so I asked if I could go.
“We’re all full.”
“Oh. Really? Please? No? Well, it was worth asking. If anything opens up…”
I had two days to […]