Archive for the 'non-monogamy' Category

Thank You

January 14th,

I really wanted to write an anecdote in screenplay format. Tact prevents me from writing it at all. However, dear reader, if you have an encounter with multiple men, I encourage you to write about it in screenplay format, that you may write MAN in capital letters as many times as possible. […]


December 13th, 2007

The Artist’s tied arms are around my neck as I ride. I’ve put my glasses back on so I can see him, but they keep slipping down my nose.
I hate to encourage the myth that men need to fuck for hours. (It’s a peeve of mine, second only to the notion that women […]

Hotel Room

November 25th, 2007

…brought to you by my campaign to clear my draft folder. If it ever empties, I may have to either a) have more sex, or b) start writing fiction.
There was a knock on the door, and I jumped up from the desk to answer it.
He was early. In my eagerness to […]

Pardon the jargon: the intersection of kink and poly

June 16th, 2007

This post is inspired by Sex Geek’s 10 realistic rules for good non-monogamous relationships. It makes me tingly all over.
(And I wonder why I’m blogging instead of having sex right now.)
I went to TES on Wednesday night, for an otherwise unexciting Novice Group about communication. In the post-class discussion a girl asked about emotions when […]