Archive for the 'stripping and strippers' Category

It Doesn’t Pay To Be The Wife

April 5th,

Girl: My last guy proposed marriage but didn’t tip.  Didn’t he have a good time?
Me: Makes sense to me. You pay your whore; you don’t tip your wife.

The Loneliest Nights

March 26th,

Daytime jobs in sex work are a rarity. When I have mine, I love it.
I can’t understand why people despise their “9 to 5″s. Maybe they hate their suits, their ties, their corporate constraints or their Dilbert-esque lives. My Monday to Friday schedule was fabulous. I could plan more than a week […]

Your sex appeal is not your self-worth

January 15th,

May’s comment was so perfect, I’m reposting it.
Not that this is news to you, Calico, but I think it deserves articulation here:
Declining an offer of sex is also something that many people do not [do] out of repulsion for the person making the proposal, but because of some other reason that has very little to […]

Amateur contest

June 5th, 2007

[Man, I’m too busy to post! I wrote this on Sunday night during a slow hour. Despite all the links, I swear, I am not selling anything.]
I survived my striptease video shoot for Redlight TV on Saturday. While I like to bop around as much as the next girl, being a cute […]