Archive for the 'money' Category

It Doesn’t Pay To Be The Wife

April 5th,

Girl: My last guy proposed marriage but didn’t tip.  Didn’t he have a good time?
Me: Makes sense to me. You pay your whore; you don’t tip your wife.

The Loneliest Nights

March 26th,

Daytime jobs in sex work are a rarity. When I have mine, I love it.
I can’t understand why people despise their “9 to 5″s. Maybe they hate their suits, their ties, their corporate constraints or their Dilbert-esque lives. My Monday to Friday schedule was fabulous. I could plan more than a week […]

Why Not Pay?

March 25th,

At dinner on Saturday, a friend asked me if I would pay for sex. I said, Yes, of course! I’m amazed, and dismayed, that I never have.
We posited that intrinsic difficulty prevented me. The research, the selection, the call, the appointment, the wait, the interview, the paying, the shuffling between rooms, more waiting, […]

The Unofficial Client Rules

February 28th,

So you want to see a sex worker, and you’re worried about etiquette?
None of my advice has changed in the year since I wrote this, so I think it’s pretty solid.
As with any service profession, I think 15-20% is standard for good service. If you plan to be a regular, tipping will endear you. If […]

Question and Answer

January 8th,

or, Why Kink Should Have Me On Salary.
Mona left a comment on a previous post of mine, The Internet Is For (Sharing) Porn. My reply got lengthy, so rather than reply in comments, I wanted to post it here.
Mona writes:
The stuff on disturbs me to no end. I understand that sex […]

New Jeans

October 17th, 2007

A client got me an Express gift card today. (Thanks, doll!)
“Does this mean I’m a real dominatrix now?” I quipped to the girls.
I have received significant tips before (indeed, I did today — and thank you, too). But the gift? That was new! Stockings and panties are nice, but they’re a little like […]

The Chaos Theory Of Kink

August 23rd, 2007

(Disclaimer: I have nothing against China. Or Bitchy Jones. Colloquially, China is where one ends up when one digs a very deep hole.)
We’re past butterflies and tornados, in my land of kinky pseudo-sociology. Here in New York I fuck a guy in the ass for $200, and in China, a submissive man […]

One man’s trash…

May 17th, 2007

The first of my books are beginning to arrive! I started with one called Sex Work: Writings By Women In The Sex Industry.”
I read it first (even though I had pledged to read something about feminism, not sex work, for once), and in a hurry, between clients at work. After all, one of […]