Archive for the 'blood' Category


January 28th,

Is there a word for “fainting at the sight of blood”?
I don’t. No, really, I don’t. But for a moment today I thought I’d developed it. After a long day shooting video with Mistress Trish, we were pulling a dozen needles out of our lucky submissive’s genitals. Blood was everywhere. Each […]

More To The Point

November 2nd, 2007

Piercing photos: beautiful, or gruesome?
You’d think editing would be quick, since my editing abilities are limited to “crop” and “save”. But I kept wanting to enlarge until I could see the inside of the hollow needles. Nah, I can’t show that, it’s really kind of disgusting. Wait, I can’t stop looking at […]

MoMA and needles

July 16th, 2007

I went to MoMA for the first time on Friday. There was art I did not understand, and chocolate gelato. I brought a friend and busily unburdened myself about college-to-come, my broken air conditioner, and my first porn experience as a top.
Later we bought overpriced diner sandwiches. They were well worth it […]

Both shiny and new

May 20th, 2007

I have a love-hate relationship with needles. I always ask to watch people play with them, and then I get queasy and can’t stick around. My porn (that I use, not that I make!) sometimes looks like, but I have only recently been able to give blood with equanimity. Not that […]

A decadent weekend

April 1st, 2007

My, but this has been a busy weekend! After Friday’s fun at the TES party at Paddles, I spent Saturday night at an NCSF benefit party in Baltimore.
There was a little bit of whipping on Friday, for sure. But not as a means to an end. There was also a charming demonstration of […]