Archive for the 'captain awesome' Category

Needed: Tentacles, Slime

December 5th, 2007

Email, June 25th
No sex, tentacle sex, oral sex, tentacle sex, wanking, or
tentacle sex. I don’t care how proud you are of your ’special love
Me: Do you really mean there’s no sex?
Rob: It’s my party. I don’t want to clean slime off the walls.
Email, July 26th
No sex, oral sex, wanking, or tentacle sex. […]

More To The Point

November 2nd, 2007

Piercing photos: beautiful, or gruesome?
You’d think editing would be quick, since my editing abilities are limited to “crop” and “save”. But I kept wanting to enlarge until I could see the inside of the hollow needles. Nah, I can’t show that, it’s really kind of disgusting. Wait, I can’t stop looking at […]