Archive for the 'consent' Category

Still With the Issues

May 14th,

I almost resolved for New Year’s to sort out my sexual issues, but I’d have nothing to blog about.
Confession time (not that this isn’t always confessional time): what am I preoccupied with these days? The three-month’s-old scars on my thighs. I’m supposed to be talking about the lighthearted tribulations of sex work and […]

Battle of the Acronyms

March 5th,

During a shoot a few weeks ago, I was asked: Would you describe yourself more as RACK or SSC?
I managed not to laugh, but it was tough. The whole RACK vs. SSC thing is just funny. (If you’re feeling masochistic, go ahead and Google the semantics, but don’t tell me I didn’t warn you.)
When […]

Sleeping Beauty

March 5th,

I’m a stubborn sleeper. I do not like being awakened for sex. My mandate is to return to sleep as expeditiously as possible.
One ex and I coined a rule for night-time sex: if he could make me do it, he was welcome to it. Often I’d wake to his hand between my […]

Grey Is A Kinder Color

February 10th,

Oh, ambivalence. Creature of my fondest fantasies. A friend of mine once used the word “bittersweet”; she referred not to the blending of the flavors, she said, but to the tension held between them.
Debauchette and Marcelle Manhattan, easily two of the best writers on my blogroll, take on the same topic this week. Debauchette: […]

Question and Answer

January 8th,

or, Why Kink Should Have Me On Salary.
Mona left a comment on a previous post of mine, The Internet Is For (Sharing) Porn. My reply got lengthy, so rather than reply in comments, I wanted to post it here.
Mona writes:
The stuff on disturbs me to no end. I understand that sex […]

End Violence Against Sex Workers

December 18th, 2007

Yesterday was the International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers.
Trixie tears it up on her blog (emphasis hers):
Violence against sex workers boils down to two things: a woman who demands money for sex is a woman who is saying NO to sex without money. For all of our fancy talk and progress, our society […]

Not Ready To Tell My Number

October 11th, 2007

College Callgirl wrote a post on sexual assault that just choked me right up.
Unlike College Callgirl, I do not have a childhood history of abuse. But I have been told that I could not be raped. And that is bullshit.
I even got a comment to that effect. (See, your comments matter!) […]

The Second and Less Favorable Impression

August 7th, 2007

Let’s get the rest of the morally dubious saved stories out of the way, so I can go back to talking about how hot and dominant I am.
Loving sex is not always enough to love sex events.
Attending an orgy was a stretch for me. I’m into sadomasochism: swingers and sex parties often leave me […]

The Orgy of No

July 26th, 2007

I arrived late to the sex party, and into the middle of a rant. The boy — tall, short blonde hair, ostentatiously shirtless — targeted me. “I’m annoyed by all these straight couples!”
I hadn’t gotten the chance to verify the existence of said couples. But I could understand his sentiment. Too many […]