Archive for the 'shameless self-promotion' Category

Folsom & In My Absence

October 9th,

Photo by flickr user dantc, used under a Creative Commons license.
I’m taking a break while I figure out what new incarnation this blog will take. But in the meantime, here’s what’s been happening:
I was named one of the top 100 sex bloggers! (Full list from Between My Sheets below the jump.)
12 of NYC’s […]


May 4th,

I had hoped to make it to the MaxFisch meetup at Paddles last night, but at the last minute veered off to a post-HC reunion of sorts. God, it was good to see those girls! I drank too much, smoked too many cigarettes, and had to take four trains to get home at […]

The Internet Is For (Sharing) Porn

November 28th, 2007

Today I got into the pictures I did for in September. As I have no pay site, I’m going to post a bunch of my favorites for free, because I love you! I’m not an affiliate; I don’t get any more money. But you’re welcome to talk me up on their […]

Jane Says I’m Quality!

November 24th, 2007

Thanks to Wolfe at for reviewing my baby blog.

(Edit: I just noticed I’m one of “Wolfe’s picks”!)

Not One Soul

October 25th, 2007

When I started this blog in March I told no one about it.
I wanted it to be available to women like me. Sex work was shrouded in mystery, and I couldn’t find information anywhere. What did these porn models really think? All I had were their glossy bios to go on. I […]

Westward Bound

September 18th, 2007

I’m back in San Francisco, 9/26-10/1! Between my four shoots I will be there for Folsom Fringe and the Folsom Street Fair. Really, I couldn’t have planned it better if I’d tried.
Who and what should I look up? I know I have readers in California (I can see your IPs — ‘fess up!) […]

Are Prodommes Really Dominant?

May 24th, 2007

Here’s to prodommes, and their lack of Real And True Dominance.
Maymay got me thinking when I revisited this post of his. You’ve all heard it before: dommes are the real submissives because they do it for money. Dommes are just service tops. Dommes are just whores (well, yes, thanks, I am). […]

Both shiny and new

May 20th, 2007

I have a love-hate relationship with needles. I always ask to watch people play with them, and then I get queasy and can’t stick around. My porn (that I use, not that I make!) sometimes looks like, but I have only recently been able to give blood with equanimity. Not that […]