October 16th, 2007
I’ve put off the Folsom Street Fair post for far too long!
I arrived early with a crew from San Jose, by way of a ritzy leather-titleholder brunch at drag queen Donna Saschet’s.
The food was fantastic and the eye candy better, but I knew no one. I felt acutely that I had two ovaries too […]
Posted in links, pictures, switching, bondage, blogging, kink dot com, lgbt, foot fetish, the scene, watersports, bisexuality, folsom | 7 Comments »
May 8th, 2007
Today I want to link to Annie Sprinkle’s The 40 Reasons Why Whores Are My Heroes.
How is this relevant to anything I do? you might ask. You’re not a whore — you’re a dominatrix. You whip people and make them say thank you while they kiss your boots. You are never required […]
Posted in links, modeling, feminism, pro domination, sex work, explanation, whores, foot fetish, fantasy facilitation, prostitution, the scene, (il)legalities, financial slavery, service topping | 4 Comments »