Archive for the 'folsom' Category

Folsom & In My Absence

October 9th,

Photo by flickr user dantc, used under a Creative Commons license.
I’m taking a break while I figure out what new incarnation this blog will take. But in the meantime, here’s what’s been happening:
I was named one of the top 100 sex bloggers! (Full list from Between My Sheets below the jump.)
12 of NYC’s […]


October 29th, 2007

My lack of proper image for this post makes me cry inside.  It’s been weeks, and I am no rubber fetishist, and I am still thinking about those pants on him.
I like to entertain myself with sexual remembrances fantasies in times of boredom. When art modeling, for example, or when on half-empty and freezing […]


October 16th, 2007

I’ve put off the Folsom Street Fair post for far too long!
I arrived early with a crew from San Jose, by way of a ritzy leather-titleholder brunch at drag queen Donna Saschet’s.

The food was fantastic and the eye candy better, but I knew no one. I felt acutely that I had two ovaries too […]

Westward Bound

September 18th, 2007

I’m back in San Francisco, 9/26-10/1! Between my four shoots I will be there for Folsom Fringe and the Folsom Street Fair. Really, I couldn’t have planned it better if I’d tried.
Who and what should I look up? I know I have readers in California (I can see your IPs — ‘fess up!) […]