May 20th,
Oh God, I seem to have committed myself to talk at TES tomorrow night. I’m spotting for a cancelled presenter.
It’s their Switchable group, so I’m talking about switching beyond binaries: submissive sadists, dominant bottoms, that sort of thing. I’ll also be talking about hot and unconventional scenes you can play out, and the challenges of […]
Posted in switching, nerves, pro domination, TES, sex work, education, presenting | 3 Comments »
March 25th,
At dinner on Saturday, a friend asked me if I would pay for sex. I said, Yes, of course! I’m amazed, and dismayed, that I never have.
We posited that intrinsic difficulty prevented me. The research, the selection, the call, the appointment, the wait, the interview, the paying, the shuffling between rooms, more waiting, […]
Posted in switching, nerves, young and confused, the double standard, feminism, pro domination, submission (or the lack thereof), masochism, pain, sex work, explanation, whores, fantasy facilitation, prostitution, (il)legalities, service topping, money, shame, bisexuality, sexual assault, rape, political correctness, hypocrisy | 14 Comments »
June 10th, 2007
I’m back from the farm. With excellent timing, I waited to get sick until I was climbing into the van to leave. I arrived home congested, feverish and oh-so-grateful the headcold had waited to strike until after all the fun dangling upside down.
Thankfully there were leftovers in the fridge: banana-coconut rice pudding I […]
Posted in nerves, modeling, porn, submission (or the lack thereof), intersec, electricity | 4 Comments »
June 8th, 2007
So my top for the weekend is off watching Hostel 2, God save me, and I am camping out and recovering here at home base. Never was much for horror movies.
This is shaping up to be a thinky sort of night, and I am sure tomorrow will be no different.
I’m loud and clear about sexual […]
Posted in nerves, young and confused, misandry, feminism, submission (or the lack thereof), masochism, sex work | 10 Comments »
May 20th, 2007
I have a love-hate relationship with needles. I always ask to watch people play with them, and then I get queasy and can’t stick around. My porn (that I use, not that I make!) sometimes looks like, but I have only recently been able to give blood with equanimity. Not that […]
Posted in links, nerves, porn, kink dot com, blood, masochism, needles and piercing, shameless self-promotion, corsets | No Comments »
May 2nd, 2007
Here the euphemistic lexicon is at its worst. Tomorrow I expect to have coffee and then get the crap beaten out of me. This, I can only call a playdate. I vacillate between finding the term annoyingly twee, and delighting in the irony of it.
Rob is one of the few people I […]
Posted in switching, nerves | 4 Comments »