Archive for the 'pro domination' Category

Filth and Sin

July 20th, 2007

We’re all guilty of alcohol abuse.
I tend toward baby wipes, since isopropyl dries my skin, but no matter. Anytime a session ends, we start to wash: the rooms of course, but ourselves, too.
Don’t get that sin on you, I like to joke. It stains, you know.
Sometimes I silently watch a client scrubbing his […]

They love me! (or I’ll make them!)

July 9th, 2007

My 1pm appointment, after two breathless confirmation calls, didn’t show.  He’d asked for a “golden shower”, and while I am down with the pee if not the euphemisms, I hate tanking up only to be left crossing my legs and cursing.  I swear some men must do this for their own amusement.
My 2pm confirmed, then […]

A sticky situation

June 28th, 2007

Yesterday a client asked me to smother him with peanut butter.
This was bewildering, but it was not objectionable, either. I gamely put on a pair of gloves, smeared peanut butter on my palms, and clamped them over his mouth.
He squirmed a lot and carried on some vague, muffled roleplay about punishment and begging. […]

Oh, the shame of bad writing

June 13th, 2007

I just reread the last entry, having rubbed my bleary eyes between leaving work and returning home. It reads like horrid marketing hype. How lame is that? Maybe I’ll take it down.
Although it’s all true (and I bit Bobbi’s ass after I spanked it today).
I just know that if we ever […]


June 13th, 2007

You read it right: Coworkers I’d Like to Fuck.
God I hope they never read this.
I have the best coworkers in the world. I appreciate them doubly because it’s so rare, in sex work, to have coworkers in an environment that encourages comraderie and not competition. It’s impossible not to enjoy them, these confident, intelligent, self-actualized […]

Vacation from Paradise

May 30th, 2007

When I think about June I can’t decide whether to be ecstatic or stressed.
Every month I work about 20 shifts at the Hidden Chamber, or an average of five per week. This seems to hold true no matter how much I travel.
This month I’ll also take four out-of-state trips — and leaving the state […]

Are Prodommes Really Dominant?

May 24th, 2007

Here’s to prodommes, and their lack of Real And True Dominance.
Maymay got me thinking when I revisited this post of his. You’ve all heard it before: dommes are the real submissives because they do it for money. Dommes are just service tops. Dommes are just whores (well, yes, thanks, I am). […]


May 22nd, 2007

To the dungeon today, one girl brought the four three-week-old kittens she’s fostering. You haven’t lived until you’ve seen pro-dommes in full regalia bottlefeeding kittens.
One, all black, had six toes. All were so small they fit in the palm of my hand.
See how heartrendingly adorable?

Crossover in sex work

May 8th, 2007

Today I want to link to Annie Sprinkle’s The 40 Reasons Why Whores Are My Heroes.
How is this relevant to anything I do? you might ask. You’re not a whore — you’re a dominatrix. You whip people and make them say thank you while they kiss your boots. You are never required […]

The first conversation

April 21st, 2007

It wouldn’t happen if I didn’t talk so much, that first conversation.
Life would be easier if I didn’t talk so much. Living with myself is easy: I am a loyal and patriotic subscriber to the laws, bylaws, and regulations of Calico. Other people? Not so much.
But sometimes I feel that not talking […]

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