Coming On Command
September 15th, 2007As I like to do before I tackle a topic, especially one that’s going to piss people off, I searched to see whether someone had saved me the trouble. And in fact, Andrea Nemerson came very close.
Her take: if you think it’s an orgasm, and you’re both happy, good for you and who are we to tell you otherwise?
But when did perverts ever leave well enough alone? If you were satisfied by Andrea’s answer, go now and rejoice in your sanity. This chat is for everyone else. But mostly, for the fantasy object at hand: would-be-submissive women.
For once, I’m even light on the F/m literature. (Anyone? Anyone? Maymay?) I’ve heard of men having non-ejaculatory orgasms on command, and with my knowledge of the anatomy, far be it for me to say those aren’t real orgasms. But I want orgasms I can see! Squishy white wet orgasms! Besides, the idea of men coming on command has never done much for me. I mean, they pretty much already do.
The dominant men I’ve fucked have shared a fascination with conquering the female orgasm — maybe because it’s not always visible, not squishy and squirty and obvious. At the time I may have called this preoccupation “being an asshole”. Now I’d probably say “having an interest in orgasm control”. I do not need or want my orgasms controlled, but at the time, I put up with it because good submissives did. There was waiting, and doing it quickly and repeatedly, and asking for permission. I usually drew the line at masturbating for my partners. Yes, that’s a very common activity and lots of people enjoy it, but masturbation had always been non-insertive and for my pleasure, and I was not willing to do it in some contrived and inefficient fashion for Mr. Asshole’s pleasure, no, amusement. Not that I resent them or anything.
I met a few couples who claimed that the female submissive partner could come on command. In all cases the demonstration was pleasant: he had her kneel, or counted to ten, or whatever their ritual was, and she gasped and writhed prettily and gave sleepy doe-eyes after the fact.
I tried to give it credence. I probably look like that when I come. I’m constantly accused of faking: I guess I don’t come “right”. (Ironically, the first time I was asked to fake on film, I didn’t know how and the director had to coach me.) Mistress Matisse has a charming, if less charitable, take on the subject.
But back to making your submissive come on command — a submissive who is, surely, not me and who is, hopefully, not faking.
I’ve been there, I’ve done it. Or as Andrea suggests, a debate on the veracity of such a statement would leave us both none the wiser. Here are a couple scenarios:
You’re fucking like beasts and he’s got your hair balled in one hand and a hip in the other, and he says “Come for me,” and you do. I think we’ve all done that, even the not particularly submissive among us. At the time it just seems like a great idea. Is that an orgasm? Gee, thanks, I think I will have another.
Or when you grab the girl and throw her up against the wall, kick her legs apart and start slapping her suddenly-wet cunt, telling her she has sixty seconds to come or she’ll be punished. (I never know what to do in that sort of scenario. Both outcomes sound so good.)
Then there’s the hypnosis idea — or perhaps the Uber-Dominant Mastery Of All Things idea, sans any pretense of science — that one can train a woman to come on command, even in a non-sexual situation. Also the corrolary, that one could train a woman only to come by command, even in a sexual situation. I find this despicable, the height of possessiveness and jealousy embodied in a sexual fantasy. But then again, chastity is so not my kink, and kinks needn’t be politically correct.
The only trouble in any of these is when you try to enforce it. Fantasy doesn’t always translate to reality.
I hate the connotations of ownership in the “training” fantasies. Orgasms are something I do by and for myself. Can’t change biology — sorry! You can’t own them, as much as you would like to, and much as I might like to please you. (Not that I will, ’cause I’m selfish and cold-hearted.)
What’s more, it’s a dangerous delusion. If you think that you can control my orgasms, and I let you think I believe that, we are both gonna get fucked when you fail. What if you make coming on command a symbol of our relationship and the power therein? The first time I fail to come on command, it breaks everything — the structure, your dominance, my submission. I might come to dread those commands because I’m waiting for the time I can’t make it work. I might fake it rather than shatter your fantasy.
I’ve been there, too. I’m done. No more.
And how about “only on command”? The partner with whom I explored this the most had stories of his other partners, women who couldn’t come even years and partners later without his command. My psychic dick, this story said, is so big that no one else will ever be able to measure up. If I can’t have her, she can’t have pleasure.
That just seems icky to me.
Maybe there’s a better understanding to be had of this kink. But until then, you won’t see me exploring this too deeply — except, perhaps, in fantasy roleplay. I like my partners more than I like the idea of orgasm control. And besides, I have very reliable ways to make people come.